Monday, August 29, 2011

Dancing science and revue

Hey guys,

Yeh I know it has been a while since I have updated my blog. So what have I been up to?

I had been practicing and rehearsing for the korean film festival. I must admit even though there was an ok crowd. The place that we danced in was amazing. The architecture reminded me of victorian times, the place echoed and it was circular. Visually the place was very appealing.
I wouldn't mind doing another performance there...or a flash mob k-pop dance there.
It was recorded and now just waiting for amazing video editors to put it up on facebook and watch the tax grow.

Speaking of tax, one of the greatest surprise this week is. I have tax from high school. Tax that I thought would be ignorant of the things I do.

The other major thing that kept me busy was SCIENCE! For one of my courses I have a field trip. Since I am one of the drivers I had to figure out where I am picking people up and how to get to the location of study. I am used to geoscience field trips which are quite straightforward from the get go. But a biological field trip feels like going to another planet. From the basis that I have no idea what to expect from it. So I am actually quite excited.

My field trip group got an equipment list and since I am a driver I "volunteered" to take it. FML the box of science gear was actually heavy. However this lead to some interesting interaction with people that needs to be further investigated.

What is this interaction I talk about?
Well, when carrying a box most you meet, greet and/or walk by wonders what is inside the box, especially when it seems very heavy, randoms included.

Why do I say this?
After being kicked out of my computer lab, I decided to take the next half an hour enjoying the sun and breeze outside. During those 30 minutes I noticed that everybody who walked by made a flicker with their eyes in my direction, I wasn't wearing anything standoutish so I assumed it was the box that they were looking at. I came to this conclusion when a total of four friends who walked by me at different times, saw me and asked me what was in the box.
In conclusion, I feel as though this will make an interesting social experiment in the future. Possibly involving free food.

Anyway the only sad thing about this field trip is not being able to perform at moon festival... When I heard that JGK'd was going to perform there I was gleeful...till I saw the date of my field trip.
*Major sadface*
I wish for the JGK'd crew to dance awesome enough for the people who are not there and of course. Enjoy the student friendly food in Cab.

Other major thing that occurred this week. Law revue......what can I say about it. I heard rumors of the show. It wasn't as I feared but was not as average as I hoped it to be. Sketches ranged from awkwardly bad to decent leaning towards the former more. put it nicely...done before...recently...Regardless I am not too worried about Law revue since I am not as attached to it as I am for CSE and Med revue. Med revue was a good success last semester and based on what I know I believe CSE would follow in the same suit and be just as awesome as Med revue.

So that is all for this blog update.
Later days!

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